
eWealth institute disclaimer which needs to be read by all people entering our educational wealth programs.

The information contained within this site is entirely derived from the investment companies associated, and provided to the public in good faith.

We are not investment advisers and do not claim to provide investment advice. Decisions made as a result of information seen or products purchased from this site are at your own risk. Seminar companies are wholly responsible for delivery of their own content. Although eWealth institute makes every effort to associate its service with only legitimate and licensed dealers, we are not responsible for third party information or materials. Nor is eWealth institute accountable in the event that a seminar company has deliberately deceived eWealth institute claiming legitimacy with false qualifications in order to be a part of the eWealth institute system.

The information contained within this site is of a general nature only and directs the public to qualified investment advisers. We do not offer our own investment advice. eWealth institute suggest you do not rely on the information contained within this site or its associated emails as investment advice, but you seek independent professional advice tailored to your specific requirements prior to making an investment decision. Any such use is at your own risk. By using the services of this site you have agreed to release and indemnify eWealth institute from and against any claims arising from reliance on the information solely contained in this site and its related emails.

This site may contain links to a third party site, information or products. This third party material is not under eWealth institute institutes control or supervision and eWealth institute is not responsible for its content. By initiating or accepting contact with these third parties by any form of communication (phone, fax, seminar attendance, internet links, personal contact or email), you have released eWealth institute from liability for any negative experience you may have with the said company. Any investment, information or products offered to you by this third party is not provided by eWealth institute and the third party is solely responsible to you for the delivery of any goods, services or investments you purchase from the third party either via the web, over the phone or in person.

eWealth institute does not give any representation or warranty as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of any third party material, nor does eWealth institute accept any responsibility arising in anyway (including negligence) for errors in, or omissions from such third party material.